11 minute read

In this blog post, I engaged with political candidates in Southern Alberta on 2SLGBTQIA+ issues, receiving a promising response from the Alberta Liberals. However, the post emphasizes the importance of voting, making our voices heard, and actively participating in the political process. By engaging with candidates, sharing concerns, and advocating for concrete actions, we can hold elected officials accountable and drive positive change. It calls upon readers to stay informed, remain engaged, and actively shape the future by reaching out to candidates and demanding support for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. The power of the vote is highlighted as a means to influence policies and elect representatives who prioritize equality and justice, ultimately striving for a more inclusive and equitable society.


A group of people holding signs that read, Transgender Children are not Political Pawns, and wearing masks photo.
Photo by Nikolas Gannon on Unsplash

In my ongoing efforts to engage with political candidates on 2SLGBTQIA+ issues, I reached out to several candidates running for MLA in Southern Alberta and their party leaders. When I reached out, I asked a series of questions Available here - Seeking Insight to gauge their commitment to improving the lives of 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals. I engaged with political candidates on 2SLGBTQIA+ issues because I am deeply invested in improving the lives of those I care about. Active participation in the political process is crucial for bringing about positive change in our society. By directly engaging with candidates, I aim to raise awareness, advocate for the rights and well-being of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and contribute to the creation of a more inclusive and equitable world.

Today, I present their responses and offer my analysis of their positions.

The MLA Candidates I Reached out to:

Taber-Warner Candidates:

UPC - Grant Hunter:   
Email: [email protected]   
Website: https://granthunterucp.ca

Unfortunately, I did not receive a response from Grant Hunter, the UPC candidate for Taber-Warner.

NDP - Jazminn Hintz:   
Email: [Email not available]   
Website: https://jazminnhintz.albertandp.ca

I have yet to receive a response from Jazminn Hintz, the NDP candidate for Taber-Warner.

GPA - Joel Hunt:   
Email: [Email not available]   
Website: https://www.greenpartyofalberta.ca/taber_warner

I have yet to receive a response from Joel Hunt, the GPA candidate for Taber-Warner.


Lethbridge-West Candidates:

UPC - Cheryl Seaborn:   
Email: [email protected]   
Website: https://cherylseaborn.ucp2023.ca

Unfortunately, I did not receive a response from Cheryl Seaborn, the UPC candidate for Lethbridge-West.

NDP - Shannon Philips:   
Email: [email protected]   
Website: https://shannonphillips.albertandp.ca

I am still awaiting a response from Shannon Philips, the NDP candidate for Lethbridge-West.

ALP - Pat Chizek:   
Email: [Email not available]   
Website: https://www.albertaliberal.com/patchizek

I have yet to receive a response from Pat Chizek, the ALP candidate for Lethbridge-West.


Lethbridge-East Candidates:

UPC - Nathan Neudorf:   
Email: [email protected]   
Website: https://neudorfcampaign.ca

I am still awaiting a response from Nathan Neudorf, the UPC candidate for Lethbridge-East.

NDP - Rob Miyashiro:   
Email: [email protected]   
Website: https://robmiyashiro.albertandp.ca

I am still awaiting a response from Rob Miyashiro, the NDP candidate for Lethbridge-East.

Party Leaders:

ALP - John Roggeveen   
Web: https://www.albertaliberal.com/john_roggeveen_leader
NDP - Rachel Notley   
Web: https://www.albertandp.ca/meet-rachel
Alberta Party - Barry Morishita   
Web: https://www.albertaparty.ca/about_barry/
GPA - Jordan Wilkie   
Web: https://www.greenpartyofalberta.ca/meet_jordan
UPC - Danielle Smith   
Web: https://www.unitedconservative.ca/danielle-smith/

While I did not receive responses from all the party leaders or candidates, I remained committed to engaging with political candidates on 2SLGBTQIA+ issues. Although their input is valuable, the absence of responses highlights the ongoing need for open dialogue and active engagement with all political stakeholders. It is also crucial to hold our elected officials accountable and continue advocating for the rights and well-being of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, regardless of individual responses. However, I did Hear back from the Alberta Liberal Party, and you can find their complete response here.

Breakdown of the Alberta Liberal Party Response:

1. Improving Healthcare Experiences:

The Alberta Liberals recognize the unique challenges faced by 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals within the healthcare system, including potential discrimination from healthcare providers and the need for specialized care such as hormone replacement therapy and gender-affirming surgeries. Their stance on this issue centers around expanding access to hormone replacement therapy and gender-affirming surgeries, affirming their commitment to ensuring that individuals have the necessary resources and medical procedures to align with their gender identities.

What sets the Alberta Liberals apart is their emphasis on community consultation. They understand that the best way to address the healthcare needs of 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals is to actively involve the community in the decision-making process. By consulting with the community, they aim to identify key concerns and develop comprehensive strategies to address them effectively. This approach highlights their recognition of the importance of inclusive and collaborative healthcare planning, ultimately leading to improved experiences for 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals.

The Alberta Liberals’ commitment to expanding access to hormone replacement therapy and gender-affirming surgeries, coupled with their dedication to community consultation, demonstrates a holistic understanding of the healthcare needs of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. In addition, their willingness to actively involve the community in decision-making processes ensures that the voices and perspectives of those directly affected are considered and incorporated into policy development. This approach is crucial in creating a healthcare system that is genuinely inclusive and responsive to the needs of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

In analyzing the Alberta Liberals’ response to this question, it is evident that they have a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals in the healthcare system. Furthermore, their commitment to expanding access and engaging with the community signifies a genuine effort to improve healthcare experiences and address the unique healthcare needs of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Alberta.

2. Creating Safer Schools:

The Alberta Liberals recognize the challenges faced by 2SLGBTQIA+ youth in schools, where they may encounter bullying and discrimination. In response to this issue, the party’s platform includes a significant commitment to increase education spending by $1.2 billion annually. This increased investment in education encompasses various measures to make schools safer and more welcoming for all students, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

One specific focus of the Alberta Liberals is the expansion of mental health resources within schools. By allocating additional funding, they aim to enhance the availability of mental health support services for students, including those who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+. Recognizing the adverse effects of bullying and discrimination on mental well-being, their commitment to improving mental health resources underscores their dedication to addressing the specific needs of marginalized students.

The Alberta Liberals also prioritize the presence of support staff in schools. By increasing the number of support staff, such as guidance counsellors or inclusion coordinators, they aim to create a more supportive environment for all students. This approach acknowledges the importance of having professionals who can provide guidance, resources, and advocacy for students, including those who may face discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

In addition to resource allocation, the Alberta Liberals advocate for updates to the curriculum to ensure inclusivity. They recognize the significance of representation and education in fostering acceptance and understanding among students. By making the curriculum more inclusive, encompassing diverse identities and experiences, they aim to create a learning environment that celebrates diversity and promotes empathy and respect.

The Alberta Liberals’ commitment to increasing education spending, expanding mental health resources, and enhancing support staff in schools, alongside their advocacy for an inclusive curriculum, demonstrates a comprehensive approach to creating safer and more welcoming educational spaces. In addition, their proposed strategies address the immediate needs of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and emphasize the importance of systemic change within the education system to combat bullying and discrimination effectively.

By providing students with enhanced mental health resources, a stronger support network, and an inclusive curriculum, the Alberta Liberals aim to empower educators to better address and prevent bullying and discrimination. This multi-faceted approach ensures that schools not only become safer spaces for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth but also promote a culture of acceptance, understanding, and inclusivity for all students.

3. Ensuring Safe and Supportive Housing:

The Alberta Liberals recognize the heightened vulnerability of transgender youth who may face abuse and rejection from their families, leading to adverse outcomes such as homelessness, mental health issues, and even suicide. In response to this critical issue, the party has put forth policies aimed at ensuring that transgender youth have access to safe and supportive housing options, as well as necessary resources to assist them in situations of abuse or family rejection.

One of the strategies proposed by the Alberta Liberals is the expansion of supportive housing programs. They emphasize the importance of providing safe and secure housing options specifically designed to meet the unique needs of transgender youth. These supportive housing programs would be operated by both government entities and trusted non-profit organizations. By expanding access to these programs, the Alberta Liberals aim to offer a lifeline to transgender youth who find themselves without a stable and supportive living environment.

Additionally, the party has committed to allocate $600 million more in annual funding for mental health programs. This commitment reflects their understanding of the intersection between housing stability, mental health, and the overall well-being of transgender youth. By increasing funding for mental health programs, the Alberta Liberals aim to provide crucial support to transgender youth who may be experiencing mental health challenges as a result of abuse, rejection, or homelessness.

The Alberta Liberals’ approach to addressing the needs of transgender youth in terms of safe and supportive housing is two-fold: expanding access to supportive housing programs and significantly increasing funding for mental health programs. By combining these strategies, they aim to create a comprehensive support system that not only provides physical shelter but also addresses the mental health needs of transgender youth who have experienced abuse or family rejection.

The party’s commitment to expanding access to supportive housing programs, whether government-run or operated by trusted non-profit organizations, signifies their recognition of the importance of safe and secure living environments for transgender youth. Moreover, their substantial investment in mental health programs demonstrates a commitment to providing comprehensive support to address the mental health challenges that may arise in these vulnerable situations.

By advocating for policies that prioritize safe and supportive housing options and bolstering mental health resources, the Alberta Liberals aim to create a more inclusive and compassionate society for transgender youth. These initiatives reflect their commitment to ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, have access to the necessary resources and support systems to thrive and overcome the unique challenges they may face.

4. Universal Basic Income (UBI):

The Alberta Liberals advocate for the establishment of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) pilot program in Alberta as a means to address income inequality and poverty. They recognize that marginalized communities, including the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, often face higher rates of poverty and discrimination. By implementing a UBI pilot program, the Alberta Liberals aim to gather essential data and insights to inform the feasibility and potential benefits of a UBI for all residents of Alberta, including the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

The party’s support for UBI stems from their belief that it can be an efficient and effective solution to combat poverty and inequality. The Alberta Liberals see UBI as a transformative policy that has the potential to uplift marginalized Albertans, including those within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, by providing them with a guaranteed basic income. This financial security can alleviate the burdens of poverty and enable individuals to meet their basic needs, access necessary resources, and pursue opportunities that contribute to their well-being and social inclusion.

The proposed UBI pilot program would serve as a crucial starting point to gather data and assess the practicality and impact of implementing a comprehensive UBI system across the province. By conducting a pilot program, the Alberta Liberals aim to understand the specific ways in which UBI can benefit marginalized communities, such as the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, in terms of reducing poverty, improving mental health outcomes, and promoting social inclusion.

The party’s approach to UBI highlights their commitment to evidence-based policymaking and a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities. By gathering data through the pilot program, the Alberta Liberals intend to make informed decisions and determine the necessary steps for the potential implementation of UBI throughout Alberta. This approach reflects their dedication to designing policies tailored to the unique needs of marginalized groups, including the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, prioritizing their economic security, mental well-being, and social integration.

In summary, the Alberta Liberals support the creation of a UBI pilot program in Alberta as a step toward addressing income inequality and poverty. They recognize the potential of UBI to benefit marginalized communities, including the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and view the pilot program as an opportunity to gather crucial data and insights. The party’s stance reflects their commitment to evidence-based policymaking and their dedication to ensuring the well-being and social inclusion of all residents of Alberta, particularly those facing higher rates of poverty and discrimination.

I will continue to update this post if I receive any additional responses.


Engaging with candidates on 2SLGBTQIA+ issues is crucial for our community. I appreciate the response from the Alberta Liberals, as reflected in their answers, indicating a commitment to addressing the unique challenges faced by our community. However, our work doesn’t end here. It is essential for all of us to remain engaged and hold our elected officials accountable for implementing these policies and advocating for the rights and well-being of all 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals in our province.

I encourage you, as readers, to actively participate in the political process. Reach out to candidates and party leaders, share your concerns, and ask for concrete actions to support the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Let your voices be heard and ensure that our elected representatives are aware of the importance of these issues. Together, we can drive positive change and create a more inclusive and equitable Alberta.

Additionally, remember the power of your vote. Stay informed about the candidates’ positions and policies, and exercise your right to vote in the upcoming elections. By casting your vote, you contribute to shaping the future of our province and making it a better place for everyone.

Let’s continue to stay informed, engaged, and united in our pursuit of equality and justice. Together, we can build a society that values and respects the rights and well-being of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

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